免费手游加速器Rocket Mouse手游加速又稳又快,永久0元免费加速,电竞级加速专线,自动选择最佳加速线路,WIFI和4G网络智能切换。
Rocket Mouse截图
Rocket Mouse详情
Go on an incredible learning adventure with Rocket Mouse, a charming hand-drawn game for preschoolers.
Rocket Mouse and his friends engage your little one to prepare a big party. Together they will build a rocket, count balloons, catch shapes, match colours, play dress up and solve puzzles. Play with English or French narrating voices and develop language skills.
Made and tested by parents, the game is entirely safe and ad-free. Ideal for children from 18 months to 4 years old. Not geared towards any gender, meaning boys and girls can play the app together.
Educational value:
- Identify shapes, numbers and colours
- Count from 1 to 10 with voice narration
- Count down from 5 and launch a rocket
- Assemble fun and colourful puzzles
- Identify body parts and clothes
- Go bilingual with English and French narrative voices
We'd love to receive feedback from you! Your review will help up to keep improving Rocket Mouse and future games.
使用Rocket Mouse进行令人难以置信的学习冒险,这是一款适合学龄前儿童的迷人手绘游戏。
Rocket Mouse和他的朋友们会和你的小朋友一起准备一个大派对。他们将一起制造火箭,计数气球,捕捉形状,匹配颜色,打扮装扮和解决难题。使用英语或法语叙述语音并发展语言技能。
- 识别形状,数字和颜色
- 通过语音旁白从1到10计数
- 从5开始倒计时并发射火箭
- 组装有趣和丰富多彩的谜题
- 识别身体部位和衣服
- 使用英语和法语叙事语言进行双语
我们很乐意收到您的反馈!您的评论将有助于不断改进Rocket Mouse和未来的游戏。